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危地馬拉 Antigua 中深烘日曬

地區: Antigua, Guatemala
豆種: 波本 bourbon
風味: 黑朱古力、石榴、烤杏仁
生豆簡介/烘焙方向:波本豆 bourbon 產量會比其他 arabica 少,屬於中低產量的樹種。中深烘焙發展其可可風味潛力,入口朱古力口感明顯,背韻帶豐厚烤果仁骨架。


出貨標準為已烘焙原豆 - 關於代磨服務

Guatemala Antigua Coffee has a deep-rooted history with Guatemala, and no region is more emblematic of coffee’s heritage, quality, and wide range of flavor profiles than the Antigua region of Guatemala. With growing altitudes of 1,500-1,700 meters, Antigua is located in southern Guatemala and is renowned for its Spanish architecture, natural beauty, and, of course, coffee. With a daily rainfall that can total anywhere between 800mm-1200mm by the end of the wet season, the area easily creates a refreshing setting for the cultivation of coffee beans.

Antigua was also blessed with a naturally diverse terrain that maintains its dense rainforest, which provides vital humidity to the nearby farms of Antigua. Guatemala Antigua Coffees are unique in that they are grown in a region with a valley of three different volcanoes that provide interesting soil conditions that provide great quantities of minerals and nutrients for the coffee plant that lend themselves to the rich flavors brought out in Guatemala Antigua coffees. The Guatemala Antigua Coffee is typically harvested between January to the end of March within the region.

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