【標準運送】出貨時間:星期一 (29/7)
【週三郵政特惠】出貨時間:星期三 (31/7)
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埃塞俄比亞 Gori Gesha 日曬

地區:Bench Maji, Ethiopia
豆種:Gori Gesha
風味: 花果香、菠籮、杏桃
生豆簡介/烘焙方向: 來自 Gesha Village 周邊的南 Bursha farm,屬商品豆但香氣亦不俗。中烘偏微淺做,花香紅茶口感,極低酸、酵味柔和。


出貨標準為已烘焙原豆 - 關於代磨服務

戈里瑰夏(Gori Gesha)森林,瑰夏種第一次被發現的地方。2011年,Adam跟隨著顧問Willem Boot在莊園周邊的森林裡開始「探險」,在一片被濃密森林魔法般包裹著的叢林裡,發現了多種野生樹種,其中最讓他們驚喜的是野生瑰夏。後來他們才知道,原來這就是戈里瑰夏(Gori Gesha)森林,瑰夏咖啡品種第一次被發現的地方。

In 2011, Adam Overton and Rachel Samuel leased a 471-hectare coffee farm in the remote Bench Maji Zone of Ethiopia, about 20 kilometers from the Gori Gesha wild coffee forest—best known as the birthplace of the Gesha coffee variety, which is prized for its excellent cup quality. Over the last several years, Adam and Rachel have built from scratch a coffee farm growing the highest-quality Gesha, on the doorstep of where it originated.

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    the beans produced a lot of gas during the brooming process which is unusual for geisha? also the taste is much stronger. is this the characteristics of this geisha bean?
  1. Q the beans produced a lot of gas during the brooming process which is unusual for geisha? also the...... 更多
    A blooming 氣量是視乎烘焙度和新鮮度(距離烘焙日),烘焙後頭七天做手沖都要適當調整手法,不然排氣會影響萃取。跟豆種是沒有關系。 可以參考以下兩篇舊blog https://www.panhouse.coffee/2022/05/03/crema-control/ https://www.panhouse.coffee/2021/06/01/v60-technique-newbie/

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