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埃塞俄比亞 Kochere Sheepherder 牧羊人 G1 日曬

地區:Kochere, Yigacheffe
烘焙方向 / 生豆簡介:Kochere小農戶結合豆,每年產量和質素都非常穩定。中焙偏微淺做,甜度不俗,酵味柔和。前韻是典型耶家果茶花香,尾韻帶蜂蜜回甘。


出貨標準為已烘焙原豆 - 關於代磨服務

Kochere 柯契爾在埃塞南方耶家產區,是品質非常優秀的咖啡。由於高海拔、野生的原生種咖啡,以及富含鐵質的土壤,擁有活躍的柑橘酸,花香氣,甘甜絲綢般的口感,加上耶加雪菲著名的香料味,與複雜的水果風味,使得柯契爾成為不可多得的耶家產區咖啡。耶家分為三個產區:Kochere 、Wenago 和 Gelena Abaya,三區風味相約,各自擁有小特色。

Kochere is located in Yirgacheffe, known for producing top notch coffees, found in the southern part of Ethiopia. Due to its high altitude, cultivation of wild native coffee plants, and soil rich in iron, Kochere produces an invaluable type of Yirgacheffe coffee. On top of the spice notes and complex fruity flavor that characterise Yirgacheffe coffee, this selection is permeated with a vibrant citrus taste and exudes a floral scent all in a sweet and silky texture. Moreover, the coffee trees are mostly “old vines” allowing for that classic native Ethiopian flavor. The coffee cherries are first handpicked by small farmers in the neighbouring communities (kebeles). The coffee is processed in a factory situated at Teklu Dembel washing station. Using the traditional washed processing technique, the flesh and skin outside the coffee cherry fruit are first removed (pulped) before placing the fruit in a water drainage system to facilitate the removal of defective beans. Then, they are fermented and finally sun-dried to obtain shelled coffee beans.

重量 200 g

    想問問Aramo同Aricha 2隻豆其實大致上有咩分別
  1. Q 想問問Aramo同Aricha 2隻豆其實大致上有咩分別


  2. 幾時會再有
  3. Q 幾時會再有
    A 已售完,同風味可選同區 埃塞俄比亞 耶家 Aricha G1 日曬
  4. 有無得代磨豆

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