Marsellesa is a cross between Villa Sarchi CIFC 971/10 and Timor Hybrid 832/2. It is part of the ‘Sarchimor’ group which is known for its resistance to leaf rust (roya), due to the Timor Hybrid component, a naturally occuring cross between arabica and robusta species which appeared spontanouesly on the island of Timor in the 1920s. Due to the high risk of leaf rust in central American origins, Sarchimor and Catimor (crossed with Caturra) varieties are highly favoured by farmers for their disease resistance, high yield and good quality cup.
Marsellesa 瑪莎耶薩是尼加拉瓜當地發展出來的新品種,由世界商用咖啡豆龍頭ECOM公司(與ED&F Man Commodities、Olam Group、VOLCAFE、Zephyr Green Coffee LLC並列),與法國的農業研界組織CIRAD合作開發。
由 Villa Sarchi CIFC 971/10 與 Timor Hybrid 832/2雜交而成,因其卓越的杯測風味和對葉銹病的抵抗力而受到注目,且植株生長快速,收穫季節也非常耐風雨,這意味著成熟的櫻桃不容易掉落而造成農民損失,使其適用於經常大雨或強風以及不可預測的天氣條件的惡劣環境(如薩爾瓦多山區)。